Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Puerto Vallarta Mexico

Some people are lucky and financially capable to go around the world, or at least travel out of their native country once in a while.
Some are lucky to visit another place, if only once in their life.

Here I will post some images from my travels and places where I have been, hoping you'd enjoy and share what I saw with me even without being there.

First trip... Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

A view from a nice Italian restaurant on the malecon boulevard.

The sirens were calling as we walked down the boulevard, and night fell, to the sound of the festivities that began.

A wonderful, peaceful, view and scene by day. Yes, that was in Mexico.

A prestigious hotel's swimming pool. We could not afford it, though, simply made the tour and remembered the name: Krystal.

At night, the pirates threatened to attack, but thought better of it.

By the malecon, cobblestones avenues lead us to little shops as well as the church.

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